Wednesday, November 25, 2009

It's 9 o'clock on a Saturday Morning.....

Ok, this here is what we call a "catch up blog." How it works is that I apologize for not blogging in a while, then you go "Yeah, it has been a while. What is the deal?" Then I post 2 months worth of photos and we all leave happy. Everybody got that? Good. Let's get started!

For starters, I want to bring to your attention how Jeremy looks every time he eats spaghetti. No exceptions.

We took the boys to a pumpkin patch a week before Halloween. Craig wasn't excited that day, but Jeremy took advantage of the haystack pyramid.

The boys did have a good time picking out pumpkins. Although most of the time Craig was just practicing for the punkin chunkin competition.

Here is Jeremy dressed as a cowboy with 2 of his cousins.

Here we are carving pumpkins for Halloween night. This is the best picture we had and it captures that "What are you up to?" look parents often have while supervising their children. For the record, Tania was the carving champion that night.

Craig was supposed to be a cowboy with a long sheriff jacket. But since he carried that flashlight all night most people asked us if he was a Jedi. Which made me happy.

Here is the family Halloween night. We dressed Jeremy as Tigger so he'd be warmer, but he turned out cuter. Who knew?

Here are the boys together. Craig has a lollipop addiction now. Curse you Halloween and your ridiculously tasty treats!

We move ahead to Craig's 3rd birthday! Here we have Craig getting ready to dig into some cake. He is all red because he had been playing the Wii for a while before cake and presents.

Craig got Lincoln Logs as a present! This is the first picture of Mom trying to build something and Craig/Jeremy happy to destroy it.

Finally here is a youtube clip of Craig singing and playing the piano at Grandma and Grandpa Willmann's. He had been doing it for a while, but I managed to at least catch the end. Enjoy!

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