Thursday, August 13, 2009

All Star Weekend with the family

The Saturday before the All Star game Tania and the boys went to the All Star Fanfest with Grandma and Grandpa Willmann. Craig may have liked baseball before this outing, but it is clear he LOVES baseball in the weeks following. In addition to the Fanfest festivities they all went to the new City Garden where the boys played in the fountains.

Here is Craig throwing lefty, which is weird because he throws predominantly right handed. Being ambidextrous is a handy skill to have in life!

This is Craig hitting off the batting tee. He hits off a tee in our backyard pretty often now, although he clearly prefers when somebody pitches to him. Note the determination.

Tania and the boys with the grandparents at Fanfest

This is Craig hitting off a tee with an aluminum bat. Pretty good form considering he is used to using a yellow wiffle ball bat! (He stopped using the big red kids bat at the beginning of summer)

Jeremy playing in the fountains at the City Garden. He was having so much fun and being so cute other people were taking pictures of him too!

Craig had fun in the fountains too!

This youtube video shows the boys playing at the City Garden and the aforementioned fountains.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That picture of Jeremy laughing in the middle of the fountains could possibly be my favorite picture of all time.

PS, this is Maureen. Mom and Dad's computer will not let me log in. Sad face.