Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Sick, but hanging in there.

Pretty much since Christmas week, somebody in the family has been sick. It's been rather rough, and we will be glad when the weather warms up. Tania's had sinus problems, I had flu symptoms for about 3 days and none of that is fun when you still have the boys to watch.

Clearly the kids have had the worst of it. Craig has had a runny nose most of the time and currently has an ear infection following a double ear infection a couple weeks ago. Jeremy has had lots of congestion and even had RSV a couple weeks ago. We have only had about 3 days this month where nobody was sick! In the end, we have lots of fun. Let's get to those moments, shall we?

Although it was Daddy's birthday, Craig got a present too! Clearly he appreciated it.

Jeremy has mastered the art of holding his head up. No small feat I might add. Last checkup he was 45% weight, 55% length......95% head circumference. My bad.

Jeremy can also roll over! He loves to roll over and get new toys....he just gets bored on his stomach pretty quick. Which is what happened here.

(Sigh) Proud moment in parenthood. We watched the Super Bowl at Tania's sister with all the Mantia cousins. Sometime right after halftime we noticed Craig had snuck off. Tania found him like this: fully clothed, in the tub with the (cold) water running. This led to a massive bath time.

As Jeremy gets older, some of Craig's toys come out of storage. He doesn't grasp the "you are too big for this" concept. Obviously.

Next blog I will have pics from Jeremy's baptism!

1 comment:

Maureen said...

BAPTISM PICS FTW! \o/ *excited*

I love Craig's face when he's opening that present. And how incredibly unhappy Jeremy is about being on his tummy. They're too cute.