Monday, June 2, 2008

The St. Louis Zoo for Mother's Day

For Mother's Day we went to the zoo (on Saturday) with Grandma and Grandpa Willmann and Aunt Maureen. Craig has been to the zoo a few times and already has his favorites. It was crowded and had the threat of rain so we couldn't see everything. Here are some photos of the day.

Grandpa and Craig with the giraffe.

Craig loves the bird house at the zoo. Whenever a bird calls, Craig calls back. We couldn't get any footage of that, but we did get a picture of a bird that jumped on a railing about a foot from where Tania was standing.

Craig is very good at holding your hand while walking....until he sees something interesting, but overall he is quite good.

I believe we are examining the prairie dogs in this picture.

Here is a video of Craig feeding the ducks. The highlight of the day. We left right after this and good thing we did because it stormed on the way home.


Maureen said...

Aw, Craiggypants. He is so precious.

I love the picture of him and Dad looking at the prairie dogs. Dad's expression is just classic. (And I like how I'm in the background looking grumpy. WTF?)

Ricky said...

you were probably thinking about how mom calls ground hogs "Prairie dogs" even though they aren't even close in size.